#REConf21 Programme
Plan Your Day
Opening of #REConf21
9:30 - 9:45 AM
REC Founder and Chair - Warren Speed
Conference Opening, Welcome to REC2021,
Online Instructions & Etiquette, Attendee and
Speaker Support
Refreshment Break
10:45 - 10:50 AM
Do take some time to visit our poster booths and ask some questions.
Our Networking sessions are open you can visit this by clicking on the 'Networking tab on the left hand side. You can also visit our open 'Cup of Ethics Cafè' which is always open by clicking on the sessions icon on the left hand side.
Session 1
10:50 - 11:50 AM
Session 1A (S1A)
Beyond Borders: Ethics in transnational and global research
Paper 1: Navigating TNE ethics and devolvement procedures in a pandemic setting by Fernando Pabst Silva
Paper 2: Ethics for each and for all: Negotiating ethics in multi-national projects by Fiona Harrison, Alison Fox & John Oates
Session 1B (S1B)
(Re)conceptualising Vulnerability Beyond Deficit Definitions
Paper 1: Tertiary students’ views of vulnerability as research participants in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning by Amanda B Lees, Simon Walters & Rosemary Godbold
Paper 2: Learning about ethics from music and dementia
by Ursula Crickmay
Session 1C (S1C)
University ethics review processes
Paper 1: Ethical Decision-Making in Institutional Ethics Committees (IECs) in New Zealand by Thushini Jayawardena-Willis
Paper 2: University Ethics Review and Approval and the contexts created by Covid 19: One Faculty’s experiences of ‘work in progress’ by Lucy Davies, Tatiana Dias Souteiro, Calum Gordon & Phil Jones
Paper 3: “Rotten Orange Problems” in the Physical Sciences and a Developing Course in Ethics for Nuclear MSc Students
by G. R. Mackenzie
Session 1D (S1D)
Ethics in Education
Paper 1: When teachers research teachers: A methodology for post-classical analysis of narrative texts through an ethical lens
by Daniel Carvalho
Paper 2: Mitigating power differentials when conducting insider research and your participants are also your students by Isabel Hallam
Paper 3: Education case study: The psycho-emotional experiences of mainstream secondary school students with dyslexia from student and teacher perspectives by Kerissa Nelson
Session 1E (S1E)
Global Research Ethics: A Toolkit for Practice
This international, multidisciplinary team (GCRF-funded) introduces a research Ethics Toolkit developed in collaboration with more than 200 global researchers by Joseph Burke, Tobi Oshodi, Clara Calia &
Dr Cristobal Guerra
Workshop 1A (W1A)
Risk and Responsibility: ethical considerations within engaged research
This experiential and action-oriented workshop aims to address the ethical issues raised by practices of engaged research Hosted by
Charlotte Jones, Lorraine Hansford & Veronica Heney
Workshop 1B (W1B)
Drop-in Ethical Applications Advice by Gail Seymour Ethics and Governance Manager at the University of Exeter
This workshop will give 4 people the opportunity to discuss their ethical dilemmas and ethical applications with Gail Seymour, the Ethics and Governance Manager at the University of Exeter. Booking for this is compulsory Hosted by Gail Seymour
Refreshment Break
11:50 - 12:00 PM
Do take some time to visit our poster booths and ask some questions.
Our Networking sessions are open you can visit this by clicking on the 'Networking tab on the left hand side. You can also visit our open 'Cup of Ethics Cafè' which is always open by clicking on the sessions icon on the left hand side.
Session 2
12:00 - 1:00 PM
Session 2A (S2A)
Darwin's Black Book Live Podcast Recording: History of Ethics in Biology and Evolution
This episode of Darwin's Black Book explores the tricky ethical history of biology research hosted by Rebekah White & Thomas Land
Session 2B (S2B)
The Ethics of Engagement in Creative Practice (and the impact made on individuals, culture and environment.)
Artists and researchers come together to create a collective dialect exploring their responsibilities and expectations as creative practitioners hosted by Eleanor Neason and Gary Marshall-Stevens
Session 2C (S2C) - Symposium
Decolonising education research: towards pluriversal ethical perspectives
(Part 1)
Paper 1: Exploring ethics education and support for culturally and linguistically diverse research in Australia by Rachel Burke, Alison Fox, Sally Baker, Margaret Kettle, Tebeje Molle Mekonnen and Bonita Marie Cabiles
Paper 2: Applying ethical frameworks across cultures: examples from Nigeria and Kenya by Bukola Oyinloye and Kris Stutchbury
Paper 3: “Understanding ethical issues in researching Islam in educational leadership by Asima Iqbal
Session 2D (S2D)
Philosophy beyond the armchair: Morality and ethics across disciplines
Paper 1: Queer Theology: An Ethical Trilemma by Jack Slater
Paper 2: The role of common morality for principlism in biomedical ethics by Andrew Jones
Paper 3: Ethics and Documentary Research by Jonathan Doney
Session 2E (S2E)
Ethical research constraints in the
COVID-19 era
Paper 1: Ethical dilemma in virtual research during COVID 19 by Suparna Bagchi
Paper 2: Ethics of Interspecific Research During the Covid-19 Pandemic by Tiamat Warda
Paper 3: Brave Zoom World: the ethics of conducting engaged, interdisciplinary research at a distance by Virginia Thomas
Workshop 2A (W2A)
Ethical considerations of qualitative secondary analysis (Part 1)
This workshop considers ethical concerns when conducting secondary qualitative data analysis and making qualitative data available to others for re-analysis hosted by Helen Foster-Collins
During Part 1, there will be an interactive presentation talking about - What is secondary analysis? What is it used for? Where might data come from? and What ethical issues relate to conducting secondary analysis of qualitative data?
During Part 2, there will be an opportunity to do some hands-on activities, ask questions and discuss any ethical dilemmas you may have relating to current or proposed research, re-using qualitative data.
Workshop 2B (W2B)
Building your moral compass with LEGO Serious Play
This one-hour session will use the LEGO Serious Play technique to foster a fun, creative, and insightful discussion about ethics Hosted by Dr Karen Kenny and Dr Caitlin Kight
Workshop 2C (W2C)
Reflexivity and Sensitivity: Researching the Perceptions of UK students on Identities and Cultural Diversity.
This workshop aims to discuss universities students’ awareness to others’ identities and cultures Hosted by Mona Helmi
Workshop 2D (W2D)
Drop-in Ethical Applications Advice by Gail Seymour Ethics and Governance Manager at the University of Exeter
This workshop will give 4 people the opportunity to discuss their ethical dilemmas and ethical applications with Gail Seymour, the Ethics and Governance Manager at the University of Exeter. Booking for this is compulsory Hosted by Gail Seymour
Refreshment Break
1:00 - 1:10 PM
Do take some time to visit our poster booths and ask some questions.
Our Networking sessions are open you can visit this by clicking on the 'Networking tab on the left hand side. You can also visit our open 'Cup of Ethics Cafè' which is always open by clicking on the sessions icon on the left hand side.
Refreshment Break
1:50 - 2:00 PM
Do take some time to visit our poster booths and ask some questions.
Our Networking sessions are open you can visit this by clicking on the 'Networking tab on the left hand side. You can also visit our open 'Cup of Ethics Cafè' which is always open by clicking on the sessions icon on the left hand side.
Session 3
2:00 - 3:00 PM
Session 3A (S3A)
Respecting participants' agency
Paper 1: Towards an innovative model for shifting power in international development research ethics: the ECID case study by Cathy Bollaert and Talatu Aliyu
Paper 2: Ethical issues in using participant-constructed visual timelines by Alison Pearson
Paper 3: The Unethical Image: Critiquing Photographic Research Methodologies in the Context of 21st-Century Sex Work by Camille Melissa Waring
Session 3B (S3B) - Symposium
Decolonising education research: towards pluriversal ethical perspectives
(Part 2)
Paper 1: Exploring a participant-culture led approach to ethical research in Kenya by Natalie Tegama
Paper 2: Towards ethical South-North education research partnerships by Rafael Mitchell
Session 3C (S3C)
'Ethically Charged' Research: Researcher responsibility when conducting sensitive research
Paper 1: Sex trafficking, ethics and empowerment: Reflections on data collection (during COVID-19 pandemic) with survivors of sex trafficking by Ileana-Maria Turda
Paper 2: Creating ethics support systems for social research on gender-based violence by Katarzyna Struzińska
Paper 3: Where does the buck stop? Being a Responsible Researcher with vulnerable populations and sensitive topics When Running Qualitative Psychological Research by Lindsay Lenton-Maughan
Session 3D (S3D)
Ethics across the research process - researcher perspectives
Paper 1: Language decisions as ethical dilemmas at all stages of research by Gabriela Meier
Paper 2: Moral imagination as a way of resolving ethical dilemmas in qualitative social research by Adrianna Surmiak
Paper 3: Is embedded research (more) ethical? by Léna Prouchet
Session 3E (S3E)
'Political accountability and intercultural communication in education: the paving towards new, more ethical societies'
Paper 1: Reflexivity and Sensitivity: Researching the Perceptions of UK students on Identities and Cultural Diversity by Mona Helmi
Paper 2: Is Ethics Pertinent to Politics? by Swati Bijawat
Workshop 3A (W3A)
Ethical considerations of qualitative secondary analysis (Part 2)
This workshop considers ethical concerns when conducting secondary qualitative data analysis and making qualitative data available to others for re-analysis hosted by Helen Foster-Collins
During Part 1, there will be an interactive presentation talking about - What is secondary analysis? What is it used for? Where might data come from? and What ethical issues relate to conducting secondary analysis of qualitative data?
During Part 2, there will be an opportunity to do some hands-on activities, ask questions and discuss any ethical dilemmas you may have relating to current or proposed research, re-using qualitative data.
Workshop 3C (W3C)
Mental Capacity and Consent: Ethical considerations when a person lacks capacity to consent
This workshop opens a discussion around the legal and ethical issues involved with research into people who may lack the capacity to give informed consent hosted by Paul Kenny
Workshop 3D (W3D)
Drop-in Ethical Applications Advice by Gail Seymour Ethics and Governance Manager at the University of Exeter
This workshop will give 4 people the opportunity to discuss their ethical dilemmas and ethical applications with Gail Seymour, the Ethics and Governance Manager at the University of Exeter. Booking for this is compulsory Hosted by Gail Seymour
Refreshment Break
3:00 - 3:20 PM
Do take some time to visit our poster booths and ask some questions.
Our Networking sessions are open you can visit this by clicking on the 'Networking tab on the left hand side. You can also visit our open 'Cup of Ethics Cafè' which is always open by clicking on the sessions icon on the left hand side.
Session 4
3:20 - 4:20 PM
Session 4A (S4A)
Promising Platforms or Digital Dangers?: Navigating Ethics in the virtual world
Paper 1: Covert Research and Networked Harassment: A Holistic Review by Antonia Vaughan
Paper 2: Situational ethics in pandemics: Issues with using online messaging Apps in the context of sensitive topics in Colombia by Estrada-Jaramillo & Ana Lucia
Paper 3: Negotiating mobile phone-based gendered mobility analyses using feminist research ethics and practice by Arthur Vandervoort
Session 4C (S4C)
Consent Conundrums: Challenges obtaining consent in different contexts
Paper 1: Paper 1: Employees and big data: a virtue ethical approach by Lisa Grover
Paper 2: Remote recruitment of people with dementia and carers: ethical dilemmas of an RCT study by Greene, L., Oh, TM., Manger, L., Gude, A., Weston, L., Sutcliffe, C., Batool, S., Beresford, R., Griffiths, S., Wheat, H., Sherriff, I., Clarkson, P., & Byng, R
Paper 3: Ethical approval for use of un-consented human tissues: a clinical research experience by Ollie Rupar
Session 4D (S4D)
Many ways of knowing: Methods as ethical responses to marginalised and indigenous knowledges
Paper 1: SA decolonial art-led research within an ecology of care: from Ethics to Risk Assessment by Livia Daza-Paris
Paper 2: The Visible Traces of Bias: The Disruption of CanLit's Status Quo by Heather Simeney MacLeod
Session 4E (S4E) - Roundtable Discussion
Graduate School of Education (University of Exeter) Ethics Special Interest Group Roundtable
The Graduate School of Education Ethics Special Interest Group invites participants to share ethical successes and challenges encountered in research hosted by Alice Potter & Wafa Almulaifi
Workshop 4A (W4A)
Problematizing the Ethics Process: An Anthrozoological Perspective
In a discussion forum, attendees are invited to share their experiences of the Ethics Committee process when engaging with Biological Research hosted by Kriss Hill, Jes Hooper, Michelle Szydlowski & Sarah Oxley Heaney
Workshop 4C (W4C)
Building your moral compass with LEGO Serious Play
This one-hour session will use the LEGO Serious Play technique to foster a fun, creative, and insightful discussion about ethics hosted by Caitlin Kight & Karen Kenny