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Member Code of Conduct Policy and Scope

  1. Definition of membership: The term "definition of membership" in the context of joining as a member of the Research Ethics Association refers to the explicit set of criteria, rights, responsibilities, and privileges that outline the status and participation of individuals within the association's code of conduct. This definition outlines the prerequisites an individual, group or insititiuton must meet to become a member, as well as the expectations they must adhere to once they are a part of the association. It encompasses eligibility requirements, dues or fees, codes of conduct, participation in meetings or activities, access to resources, voting privileges, and any other pertinent guidelines that govern the relationship between the member and the Research Ethics Association. This definition serves as a framework for fostering a cohesive and ethical research community while ensuring transparency and mutual understanding between the association and its members.

  2. This policy sets out the standards of behaviour and professionalism required by the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION as a condition of membership and involvement. It applies to all members, irrespective of their role within the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION. Through joining the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION, members automatically agree to adhere to the Member Code of Conduct. 

  3. This code, in addition to point 1 sets the standards of behaviour and professionalism required by the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION as a condition of non-affiliates that attend any RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION event, including, but not limited to, conferences, seminars, workshops and training sessions. By joining the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION events, delegates, guests and those who sign up to or are invited to any event automatically agree to adhere to the Member Code of Conduct. The term ‘member’ forthwith, includes RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATIONS delegates, guests and those who sign up as a non-member to any event.

  4. If a member of RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION should know of, or become aware of, any breach of this Code of Conduct by another member they are under an obligation to notify the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION. 

  5. RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION members must agree to adhere to this code for the duration of their membership. A member who is found to be in breach of this code of conduct may have their membership revoked by the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION. 

  6. Any breaches of this code that are relevant to an individual’s professional behaviour may be referred to their host institution or workplace in line with our ethical obligation.

  7. If a member of the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION should know of, or become aware of, any breach of this Code of Conduct by another member, they are under an obligation to notify the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION.

  8. Code of Conduct: The RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION as an organisation may be judged by the conduct of individual members, Special Interest Groups (SIGs), SIG Convenors, committee members, other volunteers and office staff. All members should conduct themselves in such a way that reflects the vision, aims and values of the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION. 

  9. RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION Members shall adhere to all aspects of applicable equality laws and regulations and shall not improperly discriminate against any person, RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION members or otherwise. 

  10. Any academic work including articles submitted to the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION, papers for conferences or other events and other material should follow, where appropriate, their discipline or institutional Ethical Guidelines or their equivalent.

  11. Members should ensure that any work undertaken under the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION name does not bring RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION into disrepute. 

  12. The RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION name logo belongs to the association and should not be used by individual members unless the member has received express written permission from the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION. 

  13. RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION Members should use their membership benefits appropriately and should safeguard the benefits of their membership, and not transfer these benefits, such as website password, materials, resources, etc. to others. 

  14. RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION members must treat others with respect. Members must not encourage or participate in bullying and/or intimidation tactics with other members, or with RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION staff. 

  15. RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION members will act honestly in all dealings with other members and with the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION Office. Members must not misrepresent or withhold information from the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION office related to RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION services, events, projects and initiatives. 

  16. Any complaint that a member has breached the standards contained within this Code of Conduct shall be dealt with in accordance with the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION complaints policy and procedure (Point 20 onwards): the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION Trustee Code of Conduct 

  17. In addition, the following code applies to RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION volunteers and committee members. This aims to ensure that all volunteers and committee members conduct themselves in an open, transparent, objective accountable manner, acting with integrity at all times and adhere to the seven Nolan Principals (see Governance Handbook for further information). 

  18. Volunteers and committee members have a general duty to act with probity and prudence in the best interest of RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION as a whole. They should not act in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, their friends or the organisation they come from. As well as avoiding actual impropriety, they should also avoid any appearance of improper behaviour such as accepting gifts and hospitality that might reasonably be thought to influence their judgement in respect of their position within RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION. 

  19. Volunteers and committee members should make every effort to attend all meetings regularly, ensuring they prepare for and contribute appropriately and follow through on any agreed actions. [MA1] [WS2] Volunteers and committee members should ensure that confidential information and material, including material about individuals is handled appropriately. In addition, they should be as open as possible about their decisions and the actions that they take. 

  20. The committee members, or other volunteers, must adhere to the additional terms of reference provided. Any serious breach of the Code of Conduct may be required to be reported to the relevant authority. 

  21. A RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION member may file a complaint if dissatisfied with any aspect of behaviour or service rendered by another RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION member or guest (including event and conference non-member delegate) on RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION business or at a RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION event, or the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION office. See protocol below:

    1. In the first instance, informal means should be used to resolve any dispute. If however, this is not possible the procedure set out below should be followed. 

    2. Complaints should be sent in writing via email to the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION, or in hard copy to the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION office address. If the complaint is about a fellow member or members of the office team, then that complaint should be sent to the co-founders in the first instance. If the complaint is about the co-founder, then it should be addressed to the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION Governance Officer or finance officer.

    3. Complaints should include a detailed description of the circumstances surrounding the complaint, along with any relevant documentation.

    4. RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION will acknowledge receipt of the complaint and request any necessary information in writing. Complaints will be reviewed in the first instance by the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION Office and a response will be issued in writing within one calendar month. Those involved in any complaint investigation will declare any conflict of interest. 

    5. A complaint can be escalated to the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION co-founders. Once the co-founders reach a decision, any decision is final and there are no further internal appeals. It may be necessary to suspend the memberships of the person who the complaint is regarding during the course of the investigation. 

    6. In the event that a complaint is made against a member, that member must co-operate fully with any investigation of that complaint.

    7. Should a complaint be upheld against a member RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION reserves the right to suspend or terminate their membership.

    8. NOTE: Comments provided verbally will not be considered a formal complaint unless also delivered in writing. 

  22. Complaints should include a detailed description of the circumstances surrounding the complaint, along with any relevant documentation. 

  23. The RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION will acknowledge receipt of the complaint and request any necessary information in writing. Complaints will be reviewed in the first instance by the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION Office and a response will be issued in writing within one calendar month. Those involved in any complaint investigation will declare any conflict of interest. 

  24. A complaint can be escalated to the RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION co-founders. Once the co-founders reach a decision, any decision is final and there are no further internal appeals. It may be necessary to suspend the memberships of the person who the complaint is regarding during the course of the investigation. 

  25. In the event that a complaint is made against a member, that member must co-operate fully with any investigation of that complaint.

  26. Should a complaint be upheld against a member RESEARCH ETHICS ASSOCIATION reserves the right to suspend or terminate their membership. 

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